Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality. (Romans 12:9-13, ESV)
We firmly believe that a church should be a place where the members know and love each other. To that end we have several opportunities for spending time with one another in which we can get to know one another better and deepen our relationships.
First Wednesday Dinners
Once a month we gather as a church body to eat together. At these dinners there is no program or agenda, other than sitting around the table with each other and eating. These dinners provide an opportunity for us to get to know each other in a relaxed setting, which we believe helps us then as we move forward together as brothers and sisters. Sitting around a table and enjoying a meal gives us the opportunity to hear about the joys and sorrows of each others lives, and to hear of how God has worked in our lives. These dinners help us to know each other more deeply and thereby love each other more fully.
Bible Studies
We have a weekly Bible study for the men and women of the church. The men meet early on Tuesday mornings and the women of the church meet later on Tuesday mornings. The goal in these studies is to help us to spur one another on to live faithful Christian lives that are rooted in the love of God shown to us in Jesus Christ. By gathering around the Bible in these groups we seek to spur one another in our discipleship and sharpen one another as iron sharpens iron. (Proverbs 27:17)
Sunday School
In our Adult Sunday School we are following the Gospel Project. This curriculum is being followed across all the age groups of the church and it is our hope that in doing so we will all get a greater understanding of the unfolding plan of redemption that we see run through Scripture. By following this “golden thread” we seek to know Christ better and see the riches of the salvation that He has brought for us. By following this multi-generational track, we hope to foster inter-generational conversation about the beauties of the Gospel.
Small Groups
The small group ministry of Golden Isles Presbyterian Church takes the form of community gatherings in which we come together to dig into the Word of God and seek to apply it to our lives. In these small group settings our aim is the same, and that is to point one another back again and again to the Cross of Christ, to remind ourselves of the hope of the Gospel, and to spur one another on to live lives that are shaped by that Gospel.
First Wednesday Dinners
Once a month we gather as a church body to eat together. At these dinners there is no program or agenda, other than sitting around the table with each other and eating. These dinners provide an opportunity for us to get to know each other in a relaxed setting, which we believe helps us then as we move forward together as brothers and sisters. Sitting around a table and enjoying a meal gives us the opportunity to hear about the joys and sorrows of each others lives, and to hear of how God has worked in our lives. These dinners help us to know each other more deeply and thereby love each other more fully.
Bible Studies
We have a weekly Bible study for the men and women of the church. The men meet early on Tuesday mornings and the women of the church meet later on Tuesday mornings. The goal in these studies is to help us to spur one another on to live faithful Christian lives that are rooted in the love of God shown to us in Jesus Christ. By gathering around the Bible in these groups we seek to spur one another in our discipleship and sharpen one another as iron sharpens iron. (Proverbs 27:17)
Sunday School
In our Adult Sunday School we are following the Gospel Project. This curriculum is being followed across all the age groups of the church and it is our hope that in doing so we will all get a greater understanding of the unfolding plan of redemption that we see run through Scripture. By following this “golden thread” we seek to know Christ better and see the riches of the salvation that He has brought for us. By following this multi-generational track, we hope to foster inter-generational conversation about the beauties of the Gospel.
Small Groups
The small group ministry of Golden Isles Presbyterian Church takes the form of community gatherings in which we come together to dig into the Word of God and seek to apply it to our lives. In these small group settings our aim is the same, and that is to point one another back again and again to the Cross of Christ, to remind ourselves of the hope of the Gospel, and to spur one another on to live lives that are shaped by that Gospel.